In March 2022, Jeff O'Keefe, CEO and owner of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Homes discussed the state of the family-owned business and the upcoming Amazon Prime movie, "The Burial" with Ricky Mathews, host of Coast Vue on Supertalk MS Gulf Coast 103.1
In 2021, Michael Cavanaugh, longtime attorney for Jeremiah O'Keefe, was interviewed by Jeff O'Keefe, CEO/owner of Bradford-O'Keefe and a co-plaintiff in the Loewen Group lawsuit.
Jeff O'Keefe, Owner and CEO of Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Homes, was a co-plaintiff in the O'Keefe v. Loewen case. He offers his insider's view and additional context in this Q&A.
Michael Cavanaugh, longtime personal and corporate attorney for Jerry O'Keefe, was heavily involved in the Loewen dispute. Here he provides his perspective.

Hal Dockins, the attorney who identified and helped tap the lead counsel Willie Gary, provided his perspective on the case in a Q-and-A format just before the film's release in early October.
In 2000, Jeremiah O'Keefe gave an oral history to the University of Southern Mississippi's Center for Oral History and Cultural Heritage. His account of the Loewen Group case and its aftermath is on the final three pages of the transcript.
In 1998, the Loewen Group sought to be compensated for the decision of the Mississippi court by suing the US government. This was pursued through the tribunal of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which operates under the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The response of the US government, which prevailed, is attached
Hal Dockins, the attorney who identified and helped tap the lead counsel Willie Gary, provided his perspective on the case in a Q-and-A format just before the film's release in early October.
In 2000, Jeremiah O'Keefe gave an oral history to the University of Southern Mississippi's Center for Oral History and Cultural Heritage. His account of the Loewen Group case and its aftermath is on the final three pages of the transcript.
In 1998, the Loewen Group sought to be compensated for the decision of the Mississippi court by suing the US government. This was pursued through the tribunal of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which operates under the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The US government responded in detail and prevailed.
Video & Audio
As a young fighter pilot in the Battle of Okinawa during World War II, Jeremiah O'Keefe downed five enemy planes his first day of combat. In this segment of The History Channel's "Dogfights" he recalls the aerial battles, which are digitally recreated. His portion of the episode begins at the 10:45 mark.